Is a Propane Forklift Right for Me?
At FLIFT America, we have several series of forklifts available now, one of them being our Propane or LP Forklifts. A propane forklift can be very beneficial to many industries like Ports and Terminals, Warehousing, and Agriculture. What is a propane forklift though? Propane forklifts have the same setup and run similarly to Diesel powered forklifts, the main difference being their fuel is propane. These in-stock propane forklifts have several benefits over Diesel and Electric powered forklifts making them just right for you or your company.
Pros of Propane Forklifts
When looking into a propane forklift it is important to view the benefits of them that make them right for you or your company. Propane forklifts have several pros that make them unique and right for any use, like:
These Gambit forklifts are one of the most cost-effective options with a lower base cost than electric forklifts and lower maintenance costs. Propane-powered forklifts have a lower cost basis than electric forklifts, as can be seen in our transparent pricing. Propane fuel is also typically less expensive than Diesel fuel making it more affordable in the long run.
Propane-powered forklifts are a clean alternative to Diesel-powered forklifts. These forklifts have lower emissions of toxins into the air because they are a clean burning fuel type. Using a clean fuel allows for a healthier work environment as employees aren’t exposed to as many toxins.
Propane forklifts have a higher efficiency with longer run times and shorter times needed to refuel. Depending on the tank size a propane forklift has around 8 hours of fully powered runtime which for most companies is a full workday. They also are up and back running once their tank is filled back up versus an electric forklift that takes hours to recharge the battery to get back running.
Cons of Propane Forklifts
Of course, while propane forklifts have plenty of pros, they do have some cons, such as:
Propane forklifts have more maintenance required than electric forklifts. In order to keep these forklifts running smoothly they require regular maintenance checkups.
Propane forklifts require more safety measures than electric forklifts because they are fuel-powered versus battery-powered. When dealing with propane, it is important to be very careful as a leak can be difficult to see in propane units.