Packing and Recycling

The worldwide packaging and recycling market is projected to expand to over 1 trillion in just six short years. Are you prepared for this growth? Contact FLIFT today to see how we can prepare you for today's demands and for the future!
Packing and Recycling

Steady Pace

The increased demands to move more product and move it at a faster pace can often lead to safety missteps. Our forklifts have built in safety measures to minimize risk and maximize productivity.
Steady Pace
The Right Choice

The Right Choice

Our wide array of forklift options cover everything from A to Z in the packing and recycling industry. We have the right lift for the right job.
Reduce Damage

Reduce Damage

Reduce forklift damage and other hazards by using our units that are designed for the unique demands of this industry.
High. Low.

High. Low.

Maximize productivity with high performance lift trucks. We also guarantee lower maintenance and replacement part costs.
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